Dr. Charles van Riper III

Professor, School of Natural Resources and the Environment
USGS Research Scientist Emeritus  

Sonoran Desert Research Station
125 Biological Sciences East ~ University of Arizona ~Tucson, AZ 85721-125

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Predation imposes strong selection on the expression of a multitude of avian life history traits as well as habitat selection decisions. Recent studies have even shown that many species of wadding birds and some species of passerines migrate at times and in places that differ from that of migrating raptors. Yet despite the apparent importance of predation, little is known about how predation shapes where individual choose to stop during migration. We hope to develop experiments that examine the role of predation in shaping habitat selection decisions during migration.




Special Assignments and Recognition

Science Strategy Team |  George B Fell Award |  Ombudsman Assignment |  Honors and Awards |   | 


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